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“The Haves” and “The Have Nots” (The Rich and The Poor)

“For to everyone who has more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away”- Matthew 25:29 (NKJV)

The above verse of the bible is one of the most powerful secrets of prosperity, the bible verse broadly categorizes people into two; “the haves” and “the have nots”. The scripture in summary says, “the haves” will ALWAYS HAVE while the “have nots” will NEVER HAVE. To buttress how powerful this verse is, even the corporate world made a theory out of it called The Matthew Effect or The Matthew Principle which simply states that “The rich get richer while the poor get poorer”. Or the Matthew effect of accumulated advantage which states that “those who begin with advantage accumulate more advantage over time and those who begin with disadvantage accumulate more disadvantage over time”

An average man would look at Matthew 25:29 and say, “God ought not to give more to those that already have, in fact He should take from those that have and give to those who don’t so prosperity can spread” but God wasn’t the one giving anyone anything in the verse, He was only laying down a natural principle or law. Just like the law of gravity, if you jump up you will come back to the ground, it has nothing to do with God.

When people see someone that has money, they say the person is rich, truly so but what majority don’t know is that the person is not rich because he has money, it is the reverse, it is because he is rich that he has money. Being rich precedes having physical money. The haves would always have money, the have nots would never have.

Growing up, anytime I heard the phase, “the rich get richer, the poor get poorer” I used to be filled with so much self-pity because I, like most other people believed that the rich get richer because wealth was passed from a generation to generation so was poverty, majority of poor people still believe till now that the rich get richer due to family pedigree or connection, they believe that the only way they can get rich is if they manage to get connected to politicians or wealthy people, or they come across a huge sum of money by chance. Different betting platforms are springing up now from every angle like never before due to the high number of people trying to get rich by chance, that in itself is a practical illustration of the opening bible verse. The rich set up a platform to collect the little the poor have with a promise of less than three percent chances of becoming rich by chance. The little these poor people have are given to the rich who set up these betting platforms

Money doesn’t make anybody rich, absent of money doesn’t make you poor. In fact, the more money-conscious you are the more likely it is that you are poor. When we say the “haves” what comes to majority of people’s mind is money, it is not. Being rich (the haves) or being poor (the have nots) has nothing to do with money but the rich would always have money but “being” comes before “having”. Anyone can lose what they have but no one can take away who you are. If a poor person manages to have money, it is a matter of time before the money vanishes or he squanders it. If a rich person doesn’t have physical cash now, it is a matter of time, he will have money. If a poor person comes in contact with money, he should leave the money aside first, work on himself to become rich, then the money will be an advantage, else it will be a waste of resources

If money doesn’t determine who has and who has not what does? “The haves” have the following that the “have nots” don’t

  • Abundance mentality regardless of availability or non-availability of physical money
  • The understanding of the fact that money is a resource just like many other resources like time, ideas, knowledge, relationship, wisdom, etc. one resource can be used to get any other resource that you need or want
  • The understanding that regardless of your level in life, EVERYONE has one resource or another that they can use to get to the next desired level
  • “Self-sustenance” mentality. They are usually confident in themselves and abilities to achieve their goals
  • Ambitions; because money is not the main focus of the “the haves” they usually don’t focus on how much they have or they don’t have. They just pursue goals and ambitions. When they achieve a goal, they set another. They just keep progressing. Accomplishments of the goals automatically makes one rich but money is not the goal. This is why Richard Branson said, “If you are in business just to make money, you are better of not doing anything”

Poor people chase after money, they think it is money that will solve their problems. The few of them who manage to come in contact with money by hook or crook later realize that the more money they have the poorer they become. A good number of Nigerian politicians are poor, this is why they cannot leave the government or the political scene. They must constantly steal or get money one way or another because the moment they get disconnected from money they go broke so they resort to continually using our commonwealth to satisfy their lust for money

Dear reader, I don’t know your financial state in life but you must have the desire to have financial freedom, to be to go wherever you like, live where you like but above all, you must be a kind of messiah to your generation yet unborn. “a good man leaves inheritance to his children’s children” what that means is that what you leave behind as inheritance is so much that after it goes round your children, it still goes round your children’s children.

Successful people don’t struggle, we mostly just align ourselves with natural laws and the result is inevitable. To be successful and be financially free, your foremost action is to wok on yourself to migrate from the group of “the have nots” to the “haves”. Majority of this happen in the mind. You must constantly work on your personal growth and development. Your primary focus is on who you are and molding yourself to be who you are supposed to be in order to have what you desire. Always remember that who you are determines what you have